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Graphics and Personal Projects

A collection of graphics and photography I've done for various professional and personal projects.


MGH Springboard Studio

While I interned at MGH, I created a visual roadmap to outline the studio's Design Sprint Workshop process. The two original graphics below outlined Part 1 and Part 2 of the process. I wanted to put these two parts on one graphic to create a dynamic picture of the full process.

Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 12.32.57 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 12.34.00 PM.png

Springboard's graphic for Part 1 of the studio's Design Sprint process. 

Springboard's graphic Part 2 of the studio's Design Sprint process (starting at "Early Design & Prototyping".


My visual graphic combining the two original graphics above.


blip energy

blip is a device that pulls power from the grid during non-peak hours (historically when people have been at work) to be used during peak hours (5pm and later). This is useful in places like New York City, where electricity costs more during these peak hours. 


One of the findings I discovered from my user research was that users weren't aware of how much power certain items in their home used. I created this graphic to educate users on which high power devices would be most suitable to use with blip.

living room drawing.PNG


MassArt Project

For my branding class in the MDes program at MassArt, I created a logo and website mockup for my product idea. My product, TrekPrep, is a backpacking trip planner that helps users plan all of the logistics for a backcountry overnighter.


Food Photography

Simple to Scratch Food Blog

Samples of photography from my food blog.


Insomnia Guide

I suffer from insomnia, and set out to make a guide of helpful tips that I've learned over the years. The guide content is a work in progress, but this is the artwork for the cover and background.


©2022 by Elle Marcus

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